Sunday, July 28, 2013

Punch buggies

Here's the one and  only Volkswagen dealership of an vintage

And for those on July 30, It has special meaning.

A Trentmobile?


  1. Ah, July 30 .. when the first VW rolled off the production lines. I know my dad used them to deliver Chinese food way back when he was a part owner of a restaurant. Did you check out the musuem ?

  2. They were resilient little putters. My neighbour presently has two in her driveway. Polished blue and a soft Green. She only drives them 3 seasons. In the winter she has another small care she drives an the bugs go into storage. They are well taken care of. Will have to ask if she is aware of the Museum. I remember two care dealer in my neighbourhood. VW & Citroen. At your height you would need the canvas sliding roof panel. :-)
