Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nanaimo continued

We had just settled into the boat when the neighbours informed us there was a dock party (pot ((not the BC kind)) luck dinner) that evening.
We have all motors running, dinghy and sailboat, sails up, galley replenished, water tank full, fueled up, all ready to head out. But first some visiting  of  relatives and house browsing. I don't know how many Macdonalds we'll see on the way, or maybe some unsecured wi-fi to post some photos.
The  SS Minnow , renovated, is located in the covered docks close to us and runs, yep, 3 hour tours. I mention the boat because, Mary-Anne stopped  in to visit  but unfortunately at 80, she has lost some of her appeal.

Our departure from Horseshoe bay

Qualicum beach with kilometers of sand.

We stayed overnight at relatives, ocean side dinner with the mountains in the background.

More come to following the bathtub races, and snowbird fly overs.

The SS Minnow was renovated and is owned by Quality Foods and they  run  3 hour tours with all proceeds going to various charities.


  1. What's a dock party without brownies >;-)
    Just getting to posting a comment so you guys will be on your way. Whooohooo!. Open water, civilization at a distance and minimum. Would you consider this better than "Land Camping"?

    Hope the house browsing is, at least, fostered hope. (Prices a might steep that side.) I'll be watching for those great, from the boat, shots.


    1. and with brownies, Mary-Anne would be good looking..
      hope Amy not jealous :)

      That beach is huge! I can imagine all the sea animals in the tide pools

  2. Looks like you guys are having great weather. Just love the beach shot! The sand, ocean & mountains all stretching to a meeting point on the horizon. That is what I call a real "Mental Image". All you need at the semi transparent words.."Body here .. Mind is there.... somewhere. ...."

  3. First picture I have ever seen of the Minow where it wasn't laying on it's side with a gaping hole and looking washed out. Nice little craft. Comfortable for Island hopping. :-)

  4. that is a spit-and-polish looking yacht.

    For the west coast, looks like you guys are getting great
    sunny blue sky weather
