Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nanaimo bathtubs

After 2 1/2 hours ( the stragglers)  return from the islands, barely able to run up and ring the bell. The first tub came in at 1 1/2 hours, the next was 30 minutes back. 40 boats started , less than half finished with 20 knot winds and accompanying waves out in the strait.

Almost there ... that bell

There was a large turn out to cheer them on. In years past, some boaters came in from Australia, and won the race.


  1. that is one heck of a fast bathtub with waters flying behind, but with the wind and waves, I guess you need that . Definitely not rowing a bathtub in those conditions

  2. Not exactly built for comfort I would imagine. 2 hrs, or so, would be cramping. Looks like they make a pretty good clip though. Great day though. Would hate to try that in anything approaching stormy conditions.
