Wednesday, July 10, 2013


 We stayed at Marble Canyon last night , snuggled up to the mountains, with the lake at our feet.

 We're taking a little tent  respite and stayed with an old  friend here in Lillooet taking the scenic route. Amy was in tears from the drive, the river was at the road side with no guard rails. The river was about 1000 feet down. (the side of the road). Yep, it made me tingle a bit too. It was an impressive view, but gave me no real time to look around, focusing on the next curve with that drop down to the  river ever present, and of course no photos.
One stop to let traffic go by revealing a road side kill, identification please?

We did get one shot before all the "scenic" stuff.
This is how my friend irrigates his garden up here in the mountains. It is the real deal for the almost perfect location. Mountains, lush gardens, horses, waterfalls in your backyard, bears, the odd cougar. It's going to be hard to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Your Snake looks a little like a "Rat-Snake" I saw once.
    I thought the irrigation system reminded me of a mining sluice.
    The house looks like a great place to retire to. I could even do without internet. (of course Wi-fi might do!) ;-)
