Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Canada day travel

We saw this guy on the side of the road, and slowed to take a photo. He didn't move so we stopped and then he walked around behind the truck and came up to  the drivers side looking for handouts. Sorry, no spare change.

On the Alaska highway to the "signpost" we encountered dust storms created by the trucks on the gravel road leaving us blinded. At the Bison herd, a motorcyclist had been hit or hit them, not life threatening, but that wait for the ambulance 2 hours away must have seemed an eternity.
Watson lake
We couldn't find Ottawa Ontario, so we settled on Madawaska and Wilno. 82,172 signs to date, and they will erect more posts as required. Our stop for the night was at Iskut, it had the fewest mosquitoes, sort of.


  1. Between looking for handouts and dodging humans on vehicles... "Call of the Wild: 911". :-)

    Wow! The Signs..... That is an absolutely great travel photo.

    So, any of the mosquitoes big enough to join West Jet? ;-)


  2. ditto, very nice postcard shot with the sign post.

    I see the wife is smarter, long sleeves and pants!! ( keep them bugs off )

