Saturday, August 24, 2013

Out Sailing

Our trip up to Teakerne arm. We spent a week there, reading, swimming at the nearby lake and the odd boat repair, so nothing big to really  report just yet, more photos to "develop" for the next update. The swim required a bit of a hike, involving some ropes and short climbs, but well worth the cool clean clear waters.

I did catch a fish off off the boat, it should last a week?

Some of our neighbours.
Not feeding this guy.

                     Quite often the float plane flies into the docks at the lake, I suppose for that 150$ swim.

Our anchorage for the week in what is supposedly named "good sex cove"
At one time there was a sign signifying such according to our neighbour. She mentioned that her children read that to them, before they were supposed to even be able to read.

 A pod of dolphins came through, about 30-50, hard to tell because they are just a mass of movement. 

At this point they were almost close enough for me to contemplate going for a swim.


  1. nice catch ;^)

    lovely blue waters and sunny all around, so
    peaceful and beautiful, and having dolphins come by too, amazing!

  2. Finally, traffic you can actually wish for! ;-)Amazing vistas! Wonder if we those images bonded to the inside of Lines car windows. Good way to start the drive home.

    Guess the sea-lion got the bigger fish ahead of you. You look good and healthy too! Great to see. Keep enjoying the freedom.
