Friday, September 6, 2013

Honey do list

It's not all sailing, there is some work involved with my invaluable helper and photographer.
Our generator, although only used to make popcorn, needed a small part, always in the most accessible location.

Our head/macerator managed to "dump" into the  bilge, that clean up was done without any help.

Our hot water tank had been added to the list of repair items. We don't normally use it, but it is nice to have after motoring for a while. The engine cooling system heats the hotwater tank for quick shower.

And our final luxury item, the ice maker churning out cooling briquettes for a Friday night rum and coke,.

And this is the view with the rum and coke in hand. All is quiet now, there is only one other boat anchored in the bay, as of September 4th 

We also snuck a photo of a photo of the blue moon from the little cafe here in Mediera park.
It was just as we saw it the night we stayed up past our bedtime


  1. Must be rewarding to travel with your own task Manager. ;-) She just wanted to have more pictures of your butt.

    With a view like that, I would even pass up the rum & Coke.

  2. I second that motion, since you obviously weren't the photographer!
    or maybe you asked for those photos to prove later on that you do fix things...
    That is a spectacular sunset shot and definitely the biggest moon I have ever seen!
