Monday, September 30, 2013

The trip home

The last of our trip diary.

Our first stop in the Mountains, Manning park, off season rates. Salt water pool, steam bath, hot tub, and morning frost, still in my shorts.

The small furniture

One last attempt at some trout (none here either)

The last of BC , Osoyoos and the farmers market was open, with everything but some cherries.

Sparwood, BC, for Canada's largest truck

Alberta's Frank slide. It took out the whole town in 1903. The miners survived after digging themselves out through the rubble. It's hard to describe the view of the slide. It was something we felt.

A few wind farms.

Camping on our last night at Superior lakes, Pancake Bay provincial park. It gave us a warm night with no bugs. 

The local tourist trap offered an example of their wildlife.

And that pretty well sums up 4 months on the road and water - 866 photos that we are willing to share and describe :-)

The End.


  1. Guess for a welcome home gift a large Trout would be appropriate.;-) My mum lived for many years in Osoyoos. She pretty much loved it.

    You really see how big that truck is as Amy is only the size of a lug nut next to it. :-)
    Cannot imagine seeing the side of a mountain barreling down on you.

  2. what a blog! you guys did it all, hikes, musuems, wildlife, boating, partying, fishing, wine-ing, dining and all with gorgeous scenery and great weather .. you just have to do it again sometime ..
    I like that "small furniture" , goes with the "small truck" !
    I have never tried a salt water pool, so I will have to put that on the list of things to try
