Monday, September 30, 2013

The trip home

The last of our trip diary.

Our first stop in the Mountains, Manning park, off season rates. Salt water pool, steam bath, hot tub, and morning frost, still in my shorts.

The small furniture

One last attempt at some trout (none here either)

The last of BC , Osoyoos and the farmers market was open, with everything but some cherries.

Sparwood, BC, for Canada's largest truck

Alberta's Frank slide. It took out the whole town in 1903. The miners survived after digging themselves out through the rubble. It's hard to describe the view of the slide. It was something we felt.

A few wind farms.

Camping on our last night at Superior lakes, Pancake Bay provincial park. It gave us a warm night with no bugs. 

The local tourist trap offered an example of their wildlife.

And that pretty well sums up 4 months on the road and water - 866 photos that we are willing to share and describe :-)

The End.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

hanging around Nanaimo

No photos for my recent fishing trip to Cameron river with our boat buddy. It was a 3 k hike to the river and then a 4 hour walk down the river. The only fish were in the first small hole and only 3 small trout, real small. The river wasn't really a river, more of a creek with lots of slippery rocks to keep us on our butts, now really wet. We stopped at a large log jam and headed into the bush to find the road, the deaf guy leading claiming he could find the highway by sound with the other half deaf guy agreeing?  We did eventually, but we had to crawl most of the way over blown down trees and the one that broke under my foot that left me hanging upside down by one leg, lots of fun. Our bush was more dense than this

We rented some kayaks for the day to paddle around Newcastle island on a sunny day to maintain our tans. Our stop at the town center left us right in front of Trolls fish and chips, yep, they are on our top five list now.

Ammonite Falls

Another fun day. We drove to the trail head and started our trek, to find out that most of the trail isn't marked. Travelling on the most well worn path (mantracker style), ignoring all the side trails and maybe short cuts, to reach the falls. We almost missed them, they weren't  marked , and the water was very low making the falls hard to hear. It required a hand over hand rappel down the slope on a conveniently placed rope to get to the lower pond.  The "danger" sign was right there  at the bottom.

 We found a few obscure ammonites, but it was still a pretty location, even had a small (what else are there) trout in the pond.

Local fauna at the Marina

catching small  fish of course

unusual blond raccoon's, well, as unusual as raccoon's can be 

Heading home tomorrow (september 25) :-(
Maybe some camping, weather (Amy) dependent.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Honey do list

It's not all sailing, there is some work involved with my invaluable helper and photographer.
Our generator, although only used to make popcorn, needed a small part, always in the most accessible location.

Our head/macerator managed to "dump" into the  bilge, that clean up was done without any help.

Our hot water tank had been added to the list of repair items. We don't normally use it, but it is nice to have after motoring for a while. The engine cooling system heats the hotwater tank for quick shower.

And our final luxury item, the ice maker churning out cooling briquettes for a Friday night rum and coke,.

And this is the view with the rum and coke in hand. All is quiet now, there is only one other boat anchored in the bay, as of September 4th 

We also snuck a photo of a photo of the blue moon from the little cafe here in Mediera park.
It was just as we saw it the night we stayed up past our bedtime