Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dawson Creek

Mile 0 on the Alaska Highway in the non stop rain. It didn't slow the fire on main street any.

Kiskitinaw bridge along the original build on the Alaska highway

It hasn't stopped raining so we are "camped" out at a Super 8. Our next stop will be somewhere before Fort Nelson at any available real campsite. We are hoping  the long weekend will not  hinder getting a site.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Elk Island National park

After that 900 km drive we settled on Elk Island National park. Nice area with lots of buggy trails leading to lakes (swamps). Only 40 sites, but we still had our choice of 30, not busy at all.

We decided we would take  another site after getting a good look at some mouse droppings.

Here’s the culprit and they do from time to time wander through the campsite, though not on our watch.

Amy had a rough night sleeping last night, the pack of wolves out hunting were howling from about 03:00  until almost dawn. No photos on those guys.
We were "interviewed" last night by a few fellows from South Korea who were doing a documentary on how Canadians spent some of their leisure time. They videoed the campsite, quite fascinated by things like the axe, tent and cooking utensils, and especially the wood fire. We gave them our email addresses so they can show us the film. Guess we won't be able to understand it :-)
Our destination Tuesday will be Dawson Creek, in the rain, leaving here about 09:00 to avoid the Deadmonton rush hours traffic.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saskatoon now

We stayed a few nights to sort of rest at Good spirit provincial campsite north of Yorkton, Saskatchwan. The kids in the campsite were roaring around till 11:00, so the "sort of rest".
We are typically traveling 600 km's a day. Here's the "weasel " I saw, it was quite a distance away the first time I saw it.
It's their ground squirrel, another cute looking rat.
Our next destination is somewhere close to the Alberta border.

Friday, June 21, 2013

West Hawk , Manitoba

A one night stay in West Hawk lake, Manitoba. A lake created by a large meteorite and is the deepest lake in Manitoba. Apparently there is gold down under for the scuba divers.

 Departing Sleeping Giant

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay

Two nights here at Sleeping Giant. The campsite is over run with deer grazing through at all hours. A couple of bear sightings compliment the deer viewing. One full grown on the side of the highway and one cub while I was out cycling.
Hard rain last night but the new tent held out. Next stop-- Manitoba (somewhere)

 Sleeping Giant
 Highway Browsers

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

the chutes

Our first stop, the Chutes campsite. We arrived at 16:00 with the camping area deserted and self serve as well.Some of the falls and one very large unidentified moth. That's the question for today what is it?
From Mc's wi-fi in Sault Ste Marie, it looks like our planned next stop will be the Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay. Not sure this 10 hr drive is a leisurely trip across Canada, but it appears that we both are looking forward to Whitehorse :-)